Marriage Week 11

January 22 - January 28

It was a rather quiet week with the usual work conference calls, emails, meal prep and Netflix watching evenings. We did get to watch Zoe for a few nights and celebrate our friend’s upcoming baby with a drive-thru baby shower. We had a few impromptu date nights in between and a visit to Greensboro as well!

Zoe Sitting

We snatched Zoe for two nights and got our puppy fix. We took her on a long 4-mile walk on the tobacco trail which totally exhausted her out. The next day we took her on a car ride and adventure to Wilson for a drive-thru baby shower and then a visit to Mary Catherine and Bank’s home where she met their dog Lola. ZoZo even got to go check out the “Whirly Gigs” which is an iconic art installation in Wilson. Finally on Sunday before we brought her back, we took her for a quick visit to the dog park where she was terrified of the other dogs…. maybe next time she’ll enjoy it more! Unfortunately we wore her out and she caught a little cold bug during all her wild adventures, poor baby.

Mary Catherine & Banks baby shower

We drove out to Wilson on Saturday for a drive through baby shower for Banks and Mary Catherine! Their little girl is due at the end of February so it was wonderful to sprinkle them with love and a few gifts as they prepare for becoming mommy and daddy. Congrats you two!

Ice Cream Date Night + First Snow

Target runs at 8:30 at night to pick up a pint of our favorite, So Delicious Dairy Free Salted Carmel Cluster, and then watching a movie- love these kind of date nights. Then the next morning we woke up to a little dusting of snow - our first “snow” in the apartment! It only lasted an hour or so before the sun melted it away, but it was still magical and joyful to see!

Waffle Date Night

We got a waffle maker from my grandparents as a wedding gift and Kamil has been so excited to test it out. So finally tonight we made gluten free blueberry waffles with a side of crispy turkey bacon for dinner! So tasty!

Football + Brews + Games

We met Sarah and Tyler at World of Beer for a few pints, some appetizers and play a game - our new favorite “Code Names”.


The Newlyweds K&K