Gone to Market

Today is Wednesday, and it’s been over a week since I’ve left home. Wednesday is “sports” day here at Keele so most people don’t have classes or only have them in the morning because in the afternoon is sports practice and games, so mostly everyone was in the block this afternoon. I got up around 8 a.m. and went to the gym, where it was super quiet. I got in a quick work out and then headed to the Chancellor’s Building and picked up my ticket for Trentham Gardens and Monkey Forest for Friday! It actually WASN’T raining this morning when I went to the bus stop, which was a nice change of pace.

Afterwards, I ran back to Hawthorns and changed to go into town with Beth and Ellen. Beth and I were going to meet Ellen in the Chancellor’s Building after she met with her tutor, but while we were sitting there James and Jess joined us and decided to go to town as well. Ellen wasn’t able to come after all, so the four of us headed out into Newcastle. We just bummed around town while the girls shopped for their fancy dress costumes and around the markets around town. Jess and James ate lunch at McDonald’s, which looked quite different, and Beth and I decided to go get sandwiches from somewhere, but we ended up at the Pound Bakery and ate sausage rolls! Quite yummy.

Then we met up with some of the other boys, Joe, Liam and “Wooly” and went grocery shopping at Iceland! I loved seeing all the same foods but how different they were called or packaged! I got “penguins” which are like small pieces of chocolate cake and a huge 5L water jug. We returned to Hawthorns we just hung around the block until we had a meeting with our Residential Manager or “RA” as we call them in the States. Then myself and Maroulla ordered Dominos pizza for dinner (they thought I’d want an American meal for a change, ha).

Now the gang is out in campus for fancy dress night and I’m just working on stuff in my room and watching Pride & Prejudice on Netflix and enjoying one of my penguin cakes! Heading to bed soon, as I barely got any sleep last night. Night night!