Current (5) Books in My Carry-On

I’ve always enjoyed reading, but I fell out of the habit over the years and would turn to aimless scrolling on social or other distractions. In 2018 I set a goal to read 52 books. One of the ways I accomplished that is by turning off my iPad and opening books. If you’re looking to read more, making a simple swap to open a book instead of swipe on a gadget.

Here’s a list of the (5) books that I have in my carry on if you’re looking for a little inspiration

  1. Suspense/Mystery

    A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallari

2. Romance

Blue Bistro by Elin Hilderbrand

3.Historical Fiction

Pursuit of Mary Bennett by Pamela Mingle

4. Non-Fiction

Sisters First by Jenna and Barbara Bush

5. Beach Vibes

The Island by Elin Hilderbrand

the island.jpg